
(If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.*)

Prof. Ehud Ahissar - Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

Prof. Katerina Akassoglou - UC San Francisco, CA

Prof. Matthew Anderson - San Diego State University, CA

Prof. Vineet Augustine - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. Danielle Bassett - University of Pennsylvania, PA

Prof. Greg Blonder - Boston University, MA

Prof. Brenda Bloodgood - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. David Boas - Boston University, MA

Prof. Peter Brodfuehrer - Bryn Mar College, PA

Prof. Peter Brzezinski - Stockholm University, Sweden

Prof. Theodore Bullock - late of UC San Diego, CA

  Obituary "Theodore H. Bullock (1915–2005) Trailblazer in
neurobiology". by G. K. H. Zupanc. Nature (2006) 439:280.
PDF (0.4 Mb)
  "Theodore H. Bullock: Pioneer of integrative and comparative
neurobiology". by G. K. H. Zupanc and M. M. Zupanc
Journal of Comparative Physiology A (2008) 194:119–134.
PDF (0.8 Mb)

Prof. Robert Campbell - University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Gert Cauwenberghs - UC San Diego, CA

Dr. Jayaram Chandraskekar - Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seattle, WA

Prof. Hillel Chiel - Case Western Reserve University, OH

Prof. Lawrence Cohen - late of Yale University School of Medicine, CT / Korean Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

  Obituary "Lawrence Baruch Cohen 1938-2023". by D. Kleinfeld.
Neuron (2023) 111:2123-2125.
PDF (0.3 Mb)

Prof. Rui Costa - Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA

Prof. Garrison Cottrell, emeritus - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. Anders Dale - UC San Diego School of Medicine, CA

Prof. Dimitrios Davalos - Cleveland Clinic / Case Western Reserve University, OH

Prof. Kerry Delaney - University of Victoria, Canada

Dr. Winfried Denk - Max Plank Institute, Martinsried, Germany (Brain Prize; Kavli Prize)

Winfried Denk and David in Switzerland, 2013   Photograph of Winfried and David in the shadow of the Eiger, 2013.

Prof. Martin Deschênes, emeritus - Université Laval, Québec City, Canada

Martin Deschenes and David at Laval, 2010   Photograph of Martin and David at Laval, Quebec, 2010.

Prof. Michele Desjardins - Université Laval, Québec City, Canada

Prof. Anna Devor - Boston University, MA

Anna Devor and David in Boston, 2019   Photograph of Anna and David in Boston, 2019

Prof. Mathew Diamond - SISSA, Trieste, Italy

Prof. Scott Earley - University of Rochester Medical Center, NY

Prof. Ford Ebner, emeritus - Vanderbilt University, TN

Prof. Michael Economo, Boston University, MA

Prof. Bard Ermentrout - University of Pittsburgh, PA

Prof. Adrienne Fairhall - University of Washington, WA

David and Adrienne Fairhall in Woods Hole, 2009   Photograph of Adrienne and David during the MBL/MCN course at Woods Hole, MA, 2009.

Prof. Daniel Feldman - UC Berkeley, CA

Dr. Beth Friedman - UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, CA

David and Beth Friedman in England, 2024   Photograph of Beth and David in Cambridge, UK, 2024.

Prof. Yoav Freund - UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, CA (Gödel Prize)

Prof. Takahiro Furuta - School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan

Prof. Alan Gelperin, retired - Princeton University, NJ

Dr. Daniel Gibbs - Cirsium Bioscience, San Diego, CA

Prof. Mark Ginsberg - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. David Golomb - Ben Gurion University, Israel

David and David Golomb in Tuscony, 2018   Photograph of David and David in Tuscony, 2018

Dr. Jesus Gonzalez - PanVera LLC, CA

Dr. Oliver Griesbeck - Max Plank Institute, Martinsried, Germany

Prof. Alexander Groisman - UC San Diego, CA

Dr. Sebastian Haidarliu - Weizmann Institute, Israel

Prof. David Hansel - CNRS, Paris Cité University, France

Prof. Timothy Harris - HHMI Janelia Research Campus, VA / John Hopkins University, MD

Prof. Fritjof Helmchen - University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Philip Hockberger - Northwestern School of Medicine, IL

Prof. Thomas Hughes - University of Montana, MT

Prof. Terence Hwa - UC San Diego, CA (Delbruck Prize)

Dr. Agustin Ifarraguerri - SAIC Inc, VA

Prof. Satish Iyengar - University of Pittsburgh, PA

Satish Iyenger, Emery Brown and David   Photograph of Satish, Emery Brown and David in Cambridge, MA, 2015

Dr. Murray Jarvis - Technology Sources Limited, Cambridge, UK

Prof. Yishi Jin - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. Randal Johnson - University College London, UK

Prof. Zvi Kam, emeritus - Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

Prof. Harvey Karten, emeritus - late of UC San Diego School of Medicine, CA

  Obituary "Harvey J. Karten (1935–2024)". by T. Finger.
Current Biology (2024) 34:R1109–R1136.
PDF (0.5 Mb)
  Commentary "Harvey's Story'". by A. Reiner.
Journal of Comparative Neurology (2024) 532:e25685.
PDF (2.1 Mb)

Harvey Karten by his desk   Photograph of Harvey by his desk at UCSD, ca 2020.

Prof. Arthur Konnerth - Technical University of Munich, Germany (Brain Prize)

Arthur and David at the English Garden   Photograph of Arthur and David in the English Garden, Munich, 2024.

Provost and Prof. Michael Kotlikoff - Cornell University, NY

Dr. John Kaufhold - Deep Learning Analytics, VA

Prof. Shella Keilholz - Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

Prof. William Kristan, emeritus - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. Arthur LaPorta - formerly of University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Prof. Herbert Levine - Northeastern University, MA

Dr. Varda Lev-Ram, retired - UC San Diego School of Medicine, CA

Prof. Yulong Li - University of Peking, China

Prof. Byung Kook Lim - UC San Diego, CA

Prof. John Lin - University of Tasmania

Prof. Andreas Linninger - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL

David and Andreas Linninger on Lake Champlain, 2024   Photograph of Andreas and David on Lake Champlain, Vermont, 2024

Prof. Sylvie Lorthois - CNRS Institut de Mécanique des Fluides, Toulouse, France

Prof. Lan Luan - Rice University, TX

Prof. Harald Luksch - University of Aachen, Germany

Prof. Patrick Lyden - Keck School of Medicine, USC, CA

Dr. Jonathan Marvin - HHMI Janelia Research Campus, VA

Prof. Gal Mishne - UC San Diego, CA

Dr. Partha Mitra - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, NY

NeuroInformatics 1998   Photograph of Partha above a kneeling David and a young Zoë Kleinfeld at our second Workshop on Analysis of Neural Data, MBL, 1998. Among other attendies are Emery Brown, Bill Bialek, Carl van Vreeswijk, Barry Richmond and Haim Sompolinsky.

Prof. Shahin Nasr - Harvard MGH/Martinos, Charlestown, MA

Prof. Yusuke Nasu - University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Joseph Neev - FemtoSec Tech, Aliso Viejo, CA

Prof. Maiken Nedergaard - U Rochester, NY / U Copenhagen

Dr. Annalia Obaid, retired - University of Pennsylvania, PA

Prof. Daniel O'Connor - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Prof. Bijan Pesaran - University of Pennsylvania, PA

Prof. Jonathan Polimeni - Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA

Dr. Kaspar Podgorski - Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seattle, WA

Prof. Zhenpeng Qin - University of Texas, Dallas, TX

Dr. Clay Reid - Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA

Prof. Jacob Robinson - Rice University, Houston, TX

Prof. Bruce Rosen - Harvard MGH / Martinos, Charlestown, MA

Prof. Marcelo Rozenberg - CNRS, Universite Paris-Saclay, France

Prof. Brian Salzberg, emeritus - University of Pennsylvania, PA

Prof. Rahul Sarpeshkar - Dartmouth College, NH

Dr. Robert Sashdev - Humboldt University, Berlin

Prof. Robert Shapley - New York University, NY

Prof. Tatyana Sharpee - Salk Institute, CA

Tanya Sharpee and David at the Salk, 2024   Photograph of Tanya and David at the Salk, 2024.

Prof. Klaus Scheffler - MPI Tübingen, Germany

Prof. Kenneth Shepard - Columbia University, NY

Prof. Boris Shraiman - KITP, UC Santa Barbara, CA

Prof. Paul Slesinger - Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY

Prof. Richard Slusher, emeritus - Georgia Institute of Technology, GA

Prof. Haim Sompolinsky - Harvard University, MA / emeritus, Hebrew U, Jerusalem, Israel (Brain Prize)

Haim Sompolinsky and David in Jerusalem, ca 2015   Photograph of Haim and David overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, ca 2015.

Prof. Jeffrey Squier - Colorado School of Mines, CO
  Four degress of academic separation exist between Jeff and David: Jeff / Jeff's thesis advisor and Nobel laureate Gerard Mourou / Gerry's thesis advisor Michael Malley / Mike and David's thesis advisor George Feher / David.

Philbert Tsai, Jeffrey Squire and David Kleinfeld at UCSD, ca 2002   Photograph of Jeff, surrounded by Phil Tsai and David at UCSD, ca 2001.

Prof. Scott Sternson - UC San Diego School of Medicine, CA

Prof. Harry Suhl - late of UC San Diego, CA

  Obituary "Harry Suhl". by D. Arovas, M. B. Maple
and P. Kumar. Physics Today (2020) 73:64.
PDF (0.1 Mb)

Philbert Tsai, Harry Suhl and David Kleinfeld at UCSD, ca 2013   Photograph of Harry, surrounded by Phil Tsai and David at UCSD, 2013.

Dr. Karel Svoboda - Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Seattle, WA (Brain Prize)

Prof. David Tank - Princeton University, NJ (Brain Prize)

David Tank, Fan Wang, David and Sebastian Seung at MIT, 2024   Photograph of David, Fan Wang, Sebastian Seung and David at MIT at the occasion of Michale Fee's 60-th birthday, 2024.

Prof. Palmer Taylor - UC San Diego School of Pharmacy, CA

Dr. Beverly Thompson - SAIC, VA

Prof. David Traver - Cedars-Sinai Guerin Children’s, Los Angeles, CA

Prof. Andrew Trevelyan - University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Prof. Roger Tsien - late of UC San Diego, CA (Nobel Prize; Wolf Prize)

  Obituary "Roger Y. Tsien (1952–2016) Nobel Laureate Who
Developed Colored Fluorescent Proteins". by S. R. Adams.
Angewandte Chemie (2016) 55:13926-13927.
PDF (0.6 Mb)
  Obituary "Roger Tsien 1952-2016". by D. Kleinfeld.
Nature Neuroscience (2016) 19:1269-1270.
PDF (0.6 Mb)
  "Roger Y. Tsien (1952–2016) An exceptionally creative scientist
shed light (of many colors) on biological mysteries". by S. J. Lippard.
Science (2016) 354:6308.
PDF (0.2 Mb)
  Obituary "Roger Tsien 1952-2016". by A. Miyawaki.
Cell (2016) 167:298-300.
PDF (0.2 Mb)
  Obituary "Roger Y. Tsien 1952-2016". by A. E. Palmer and J. Zhang.
Nature Chemical Biologyl (2016) 12:887.
PDF (0.1 Mb)
  Obituary "Roger Yonchien Tsien (1952–2016)
Creator of a rainbow of fluorescent probes that lit up biology".
by T. J. Rink, L. Y. Tsien and R. W. Tsien. Nature (2016) 638:172.
PDF (0.1 Mb)
  "Roger Tsien (1952-2016)". by E. A. Rodriguez, N. C. Shaner,
M. Z. Lin and R. E. Campbell. Nature Methods (2016) 13:893.
PDF (0.2 Mb)
  Obituary "Roger Tsien (1952-2016)". by C. Zuker.
Neuron (2016) 92:285-286.
PDF (0.3 Mb)

Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky - Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

Prof. Susanne van Veluw - Harvard Medical School, MA

Prof. Massimo Vegassola - École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Prof. Fan Wang - MIT, Cambridge, MA

Prof. Jing Wang - Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, China

Jing Wang and David at UCSD, 2017   Photograph of Jing and David in Jing's former UCSD office, 2017.

Prof. Samuel Wang - Princeton, NJ

Dr. Jack Waters - Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA

Prof. Bruno Weber - University of Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Bart Weijts - Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands

Prof. Alexander Weidemann - Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany

Prof. Chong Xie - Rice University, TX

Prof. Xin Yu - Harvard MGH Martinos, Charlestown, MA

Prof. Rafael Yuste - Columbia University, NY

Prof. H. Philip Zeigler, emeritus - CUNY Hunter, NY

Prof. Michal Zochowski - University of Michigan, MI

*George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)