Research Funding

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Blood Fest Group Photo 2024

We are most grateful for generous past and continuing support from government and philanthropic sources. These include the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, the Human Frontiers Scientific Program, the National Institutes of Health (NCRR, NIA/CRCNS, NIBIB, NIBIB/BRP, NIDA, NIDA/CEBRA, NIDCD, NIMH, NIMH/BRAIN, NIMH/EUREKA, NINDS, NINDS/BRAIN and NINDS/CRCNS, NINDS/DPA, NINDS/RPA, NINDS/TeamBCP) which includes a Director's Pioneer Award, the National Science Foundation (DBI, IBN, IGERT, MRI, Physics, and PoLS/EAGER/BRAIN), the UCSD Center for Brain Activity Mapping through the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind, the UCSD-Roche EIN Program, the US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation, and the Whitehall Foundation.

Low&High All Hands meeting 2025

A special nod to the NINDS for funding Team BRAIN Circuit Programs  aABC (almost Anything But Cortex), USArhythms (Ultra Slow Arteriole rhythms), and  Low&High (Low- and High-level coordination of orofacial circuits).

<em>a</em>ABC All Hands meeting 2020

Graduate students, fellows, and project scientists in the laboratory have received direct support from the American Heart Association, the Canadian Institute of Health Research, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Human Frontiers Scientific Program, the Israeli Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health (NIMH, NSRA), the National Science Foundation (GRFP, IGERT), the Swedish Research Council, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Taiwanese Government (GSAA), the Tourette Association of America, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and local T32 training grants.

Undergraduate students in the laboratory have received support from the National Science Foundation (REU) and UCSD Physics and Biology Undergraduate Research Scholarships.